Legal RELAB: legislation (and case-law), October 2022

Legal Relab is a Living lab on the legislation (and case-law) related to foreign terrorist fighters (FTF) and returnees, including the specificities of the probation process, identifying potential issues and remedies that could be conceived.

The Reguide team organized an expert panel on the legal framework relevant for the project. This panel consisted of 13 experts from the field or academia. The aim was to discuss the draft version of the legal report. The panel was a success, with lively discussion among the experts on some of the most important topics of the legal report. A variety of relevant topics was discussed such as the different terrorism offences, the competence of the Assize Court, repatriation, revocation of nationality and the position of terrorist detainees in prison. This discussion provided valuable insights into the workings of the legislation and will help to further refine the legal report and add interesting accents. The results of the discussion will be incorporated into the final version of the legal report expected in November. 

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